How Can I View All Tabs in Excel?


An excel user has created an excel file with multiple sheets (virtually 59).Then he has written a macro, that makes sheets tab change of color if information technology meets some criterias.

He would similar now to be able to come across all tabs, just nosotros did not find how to see more well-nigh 10 (or less).

Is there a way in Excel to show every tabs on a large file?

Alequaff This person is a Verified Professional
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Mar 17, 2022 at nineteen:06 UTC

Unfortunately, you can't do what y'all are asking =/  You can get a little more existent estate by resizing the left to right roll bar merely information technology won't help with a lot of sheets.  If they desire to go a quick view you tin can have them create a canvass chosen TOC and execute the macro below.

                        Sub CreateTOC() Dim RowNum As Integer  Sheets("TOC").Select RowNum = one  For Each Sheet In Awarding.Worksheets     Range("A" & RowNum).Value = Canvas.Name     With Range("A" & RowNum).Interior         .Pattern = xlSolid         .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic         .Colour = Sheet.Tab.Colour         .TintAndShade = 0         .PatternTintAndShade = 0     End With     RowNum = RowNum + 1 Next Sheet  End Sub                      

what this will do is quickly listing all the tabs names and color the cell the same as the tab.  the TOC sheet comes out black if it doesn't have a color selected merely FYI.

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5 Replies

KruizerChick This person is a Verified Professional
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Mar 17, 2022 at xiv:59 UTC

I'm not sure you can because it'due south a physical limitation.  You do some things to help like shorten the names of the tabs and brand the whorl bar on the right smaller, only in that location is all the same a limitation.

One affair that I've done in large spreadsheets is to have a "Tabular array of Contents" tab where I list all of the tabs with hyperlinks to each i so you tin can click on information technology to go at that place.  I imagine you can apply the same logic to change the colors of the cells on that page equally you do to change the colors of the tabs.  That might be a more efficient approach.


I call up the best way to make use of excel to view the tabs you want to see and hide the ones you practice not want to come across.  There is a quick manner to do this.  Here are the instructions.  Let me know if this doesn't make sense.

Hide a worksheet

NOTE: If you accept a larger number of worksheets that you want to hide, be aware that while you can hide multiple worksheets at one time, y'all tin can unhide only ane sail at a fourth dimension.

Select the worksheets that you want to hibernate.How to select worksheetsTo selectDo thisA unmarried sheetClick the sheet tab.If you don't see the tab that you want, click the tab scrolling buttons to display the tab, then click the tab.2 or more adjacent sheetsClick the tab for the first sail.

Then hold downwardly SHIFT while you lot click the tab for the last sheet that y'all want to select.

Two or more nonadjacent sheetsClick the tab for the first sheet. And then hold down CTRL while you click the tabs of the other sheets that you lot want to select.

All sheets in a workbook Right-click a sheet tab, then click Select All Sheets on the ofShortcutMenu.

When multiple worksheets are selected, [Group] appears in the championship bar at the top of the worksheet. To cancel a selection of multiple worksheets in a workbook, click any unselected worksheet. If no unselected sheet is visible, right-click the tab of a selected sheet, and then click Ungroup Sheets on the shortcut menu.

Select the worksheets that you want to hide.

How to select worksheets

To select

Do this

A single sheet

Click the sheet tab.

If yous don't run across the tab that you lot want, click the tab scrolling buttons to display the tab, and then click the tab.

Ii or more side by side sheets

Click the tab for the starting time sail. Then hold down SHIFT while you click the tab for the last sheet that you want to select.

Two or more nonadjacent sheets

Click the tab for the first sheet. Then concord downward CTRL while you click the tabs of the other sheets that you want to select.

All sheets in a workbook

Right-click a sheet tab, and then click Select All Sheets on the ofShortcutMenu.

Tip    When multiple worksheets are selected, [Group] appears in the title bar at the top of the worksheet. To abolish a selection of multiple worksheets in a workbook, click any unselected worksheet. If no unselected sheet is visible, right-click the tab of a selected sail, and then click Ungroup Sheets on the shortcut menu.

reference - 


Give thanks you for your replies.

@KruizerChick, if there is no solution, I call back nosotros will try your way.

@IT-Person, we practice not want to hide any tabs, but cheers for your help.

Alequaff This person is a Verified Professional
This person is a verified professional person.
Verify your account to enable It peers to run into that you are a professional.
Mar 17, 2022 at 19:06 UTC

Unfortunately, you tin't do what you are asking =/  You tin can get a petty more existent estate by resizing the left to correct ringlet bar but information technology won't assist with a lot of sheets.  If they desire to become a quick view you tin can have them create a sail chosen TOC and execute the macro below.

                              Sub CreateTOC() Dim RowNum As Integer  Sheets("TOC").Select RowNum = i  For Each Canvas In Awarding.Worksheets     Range("A" & RowNum).Value = Sheet.Proper noun     With Range("A" & RowNum).Interior         .Pattern = xlSolid         .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic         .Colour = Canvas.Tab.Colour         .TintAndShade = 0         .PatternTintAndShade = 0     Finish With     RowNum = RowNum + 1 Next Sheet  Terminate Sub                            

what this will exercise is quickly list all the tabs names and colour the cell the aforementioned equally the tab.  the TOC sheet comes out black if it doesn't have a color selected just FYI.


Have yous tried right clicking the arrows to the left of the tabs? It opens a box and lists all of the tabs. From there y'all can leap to any tab you desire.

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